Spell check whilst typing in EasyMail and other Windows Store apps will be for the language you have selected in the taskbar. Now you can use the language selector (Microsoft call it ‘Input Indicator’) on the right-hand side of the Windows taskbar to switch between the language you want to type in (or use Windows Key + Space Bar to switch language instead). Find Fire Flags Flower Folders Font Food Games Gear Globe Gmail Google Group Hamburger Hand Health Heart Help Home Hotel House Human Industrial Info Instagram. Free Desktop icons, logos, symbols in 50+ UI design styles. Use Create Icons From PNG & JPG Images Online to change it to a. Remove the keyboard and add the keyboard type of your PC Download Static and animated Desktop vector icons and logos for free in PNG, SVG, GIF. When youve created a satisfactory icon, press File, then Download as and choose PNG.Click on the new language and go to “Options”.This is important as your new language is only for typing Click on your old language and make sure it is still set as default (Windows display language).Click “Add a language” and select the language you want to have.Choose “Region & Language” in the left pane.In the Windows Settings select “Time & Language”.Open the Windows “Start” menu and select “Settings”.To change the language of theses features you must add a second language to Windows itself. Efficiently block most of the spam emails and harmful content and keep your communication safe. Support recalling an email in 5 seconds. Stay connected with Google Chat, Google Meet, and Google Spaces. Spell checking and autocorrect are global Windows 10 features. Gmail is an app that allows you to manage, send and receive emails quickly and securely.